World will want new template of globalisation post Covid-19

World will want new template of globalisation post Covid-19

Mr Modi said, India is regarded as pharmacy of the world especially for affordable medicines and despite own needs during COVID 19 pandemic, it has ensured supply of medicines to 123 partner countries including 59 NAM members. He also said the county is active in global efforts to develop remedies and vaccines for COVID-19.

World will want new template of globalisation post Covid

In the line with his addresses at multilateral meetings held after the World will want new template of globalisation post Covid-19
 crisis began, Modi’s speech at Monday’s video conference too focused on the need to fashion a new world order after the pandemic. NAM, he said, can promote global solidarity at a time when humanity is facing its most serious crisis in many decades., In the post-COVID world we rearrange the world together based on fairness, equality, and humanity,” the prime minister said. “We need international institutions that are more representative of today’s world. We need to promote human welfare, and not focus on economic growth alone. India has long championed such initiatives,” he said.

India has backed initiatives to help fashion a better world order, such as the International Solar Alliance to “help our planet heal from the disease of climate change”, the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure to “protect ourselves against climate and disaster risks”, and the International Day of Yoga, he added.

The PM suggested NAM should call upon the international community and the W.H.O. tN A Mo focus on building health-capacity in developing countries. “We should ensure equitable , affordable and timely access to health products and technologies for all. We should develop a platform for all NAM countries, to pool our experiences, best practices, crisis-management protocols, research, and resources.”

This was the first time Modi took part in a NAM meeting since becoming the Prime minister in 2014. Modi skipped the NAM summit in 2016 and again in 2019 as India started focusing on multi-alignment rather than non-alignment.
India was represented by the vice president in the last two summits in 2016 in Venezuela and 2019 in Azerbaijan. Manmohan Singh had participated at the Tehran NAM meet in 2012 as the PM. Azerbaijan is the president of the grouping till 2022 and the meet is being organised under the leadership of its president Ilham Aliyev.

In another development, the Union Home Ministry said the Centre will facilitate the return of Indians who are stranded abroad and the process will begin from May 7 in a phased manner. However, the government clarified that only asymptomatic people would be allowed to travel and it would be arrangWe should develop a platform for all NAM countries, to pool our experiences, best practices, crisis-management protocols, research, and resources.

In the founding spirit of our Movement, let us aim today to come together, not grow apart. Each of us can be safe from the pandemic only if we all are. Let us work as partners towards an inclusive and cooperative global response.ed by aircraft and naval ships, and the facility will be available on a payment basis.
We should develop a platform for all NAM countries, to pool our experiences, best practices, crisis-management protocols, research, and resources.


In the founding spirit of our Movement, let us aim today to come together, not grow apart. Each of us can be safe from the pandemic only if we all are. Let us work as partners towards an inclusive and cooperative global response.

World will want new template of globalisation post Covid-19

World will want new template of globalisation post Covid-19: 




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