Terrorist Attack in Srinagar,On the eve of Independence Day

Terrorist Attack in Srinagar,On the eve of Independence Day


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 Terrorist Attack again in Jammu and Kashmir , On the eve of Independence Day


In Srinagar two police officers were killed and a few others were injured

In Srinagar two police officers were killed and a few others were injured 

Terrorist started shooting at a police,On the eve of Independence Day, watch close Naogam in Srinagar 

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir became hot once more.  militants started shooting at a In a police patrol car Nowgam close Srinagar. After the  assault, 3 cops were truly harmed and plundered on the spot. At the point when they were taken to the emergency clinic in basic condition, two individuals dead and the other  police personnel  is experiencing treatment. The Kashmir police tweeted about the assault. The Jaish-e-Muhammad  terrorist group did the assault on the edges of Srinagar toward the beginning of today 

Police revealed to J&K that fear based oppressors opened unpredictable fire on police officers close to the Naogam sidestep zone in Srinagar, harming three cops, " Two of them passed on terrorist Attack and when they were taken to medical clinic for treatment. The zone where the assault occurred has been cordoned off. " 

On the event of August 15, Independence dey security has been fixed the nation over and reconnaissance has been expanded in Jammu and Kashmir. Be that as it may, the aggressors reasserted their reality via completing this assault

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