Two asteroid approaching Earth will pass, twice the size of the Taj Mahal tonight

Two asteroid approaching Earth will pass, twice the size of the Taj Mahal tonight


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 Two asteroids will fly near the earth on the night of Diwali.  

Two Asteroid Passes Near the Earth Tonight
Two Asteroid Passes Near the Earth Tonight

Science News:

Two asteroids will fly near the earth on the night of Diwali.  Although one of them is small in size, the other is huge in size, almost twice the size of the Taj Mahal.  Scientists have named these two asteroids, ‘2020 TB9’ and ‘2020 ST1’.  According to a report released by NASA, the 2020 ST1 is the most powerful to wreak havoc.

 The destruction that an asteroid is capable of carrying out depends on a number of factors.  First, how close it will be to Earth depends on its ability to wreak havoc on an asteroid.  There are also a few more criteria by which everything is judged.  In this case, the estimated size of the asteroid 2020 ST1 is 175 meters.  It speeds up to 28,646 kilometers per hour as it passes close to Earth


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 Another asteroid 2020 TB9 is 30 meters in size.  Equivalent to a normal plane.  It will fly across the earth at a speed of 21,600 kilometers per hour.  In addition, Asteroids 2020 VL1 and 2019 VL5 will cross Earth on November 13 and 15

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