‘First human life, then faith’, the observation of the Gangasagar fair by the High Court

‘First human life, then faith’, the observation of the Gangasagar fair by the High Court


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Corona spreads through droplets, bathing together will spread infection- ‘First human life, then faith’, the observation of the Gangasagar Mela  by the High Court of Kolkata

Corona spreads through droplets, bathing together will spread infection', - High Court Observation
Corona spreads through droplets, bathing together will spread infection', - High Court Observation

 Gangasagar Mela: 'Corona spreads through droplets, bathing together will spread infection', comments Chief Justice on Gangasagar Mela

 Today, the court wanted to know the opinion of the expert doctors about the Gangasagar fair.  During the hearing in the High Court, the Chief Justice said, ‘Human life comes first, then faith.  Corona spreads through droplets.  Many people will get infected easily if they take a bath together.  Those who did not come to the fair will also be in danger.  We are not worried about the police system.  We are concerned about preventive measures.

 The case will be re-heard at 2 pm after hearing the opinion of the doctors.  During the hearing on the Gangasagar Mela, Chief Justice TB Radhakrishnan further said, "We have no worries about the police system at the Mela premises."

 "But when so many people take a bath together, droplets from their mouths and noses will splash into the water.  Many people are at risk of being infected at the same time.  On the way to the court, I saw that many returnees did not wear masks.  Not only is this a threat to them, but it can also infect others. "

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