Big Breking : Boat Accident near Point Loma ,hospitalized many people

Big Breking : Boat Accident near Point Loma ,hospitalized many people


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 Boat accident off the coast of San Diego kills 2 and nearly 2 dozen hospitalized  

boating accident off the coast of San Diego

A boating accident off the coast of San Diego kills 2 and nearly 2 dozen hospitalized  federal agencies at the hospital are investigating the incident.


 The incident occurred near Point Loma, which led to San Diego Bay. The ship carried 25 people and 23 were taken to hospitals, according to Jose Ysea, a spokesman for the city of San Diego, Ysea said.


 Five of these victims required CPR and three were resuscitated, authorities said. This happened in federal water jurisdiction, and federal officials will be conducting the investigation, according to Ysea. San Diego is helping federal agencies, he said.

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