world health organization clash with Donald Trump

world health organization coronavirus and Donald Trump dissision

       The situation has been heating up for the past few days, the grants have already been cut off. On May 16, he told W.H.O with a 30-day deadline that the United States would consider withdrawing its membership if "no appropriate action" was taken.

Donald Trump clash With W.H.O

Donald Trump clash With W.H.O

US President Donald Trump announced the final decision 12 days ago. He announced that his country was severing ties with Hu. Because, despite America's concerns about Corona Hypnotism, they did not make the necessary arrangements themselves. Trump said the money given to Hu would be used in other sectors.

The United States is the largest contributor to Hu's fund (৪ 450 million) a year from other member countries. Undoubtedly, Hu got into trouble as a result. In Trump's words, "When the virus was first found in China, the country's authorities forgot their responsibilities and pressured Hu to lead the world astray." The world is paying the price for the Chinese government's mistakes. "


Not only Corona, but Trump has also slammed China for its undue dominance in various areas such as trade and the Asia-Pacific region. "China has said it will defend Hong Kong's sovereignty," he said. They did not keep that word. We will take action against those who have undermined Hong Kong's self-government, "he said.

The death toll in Corona in the United States is now about 1 lakh 4 thousand. According to the last estimate, the number of new victims is about 27,000. More than a thousand deaths in 24 hours. Many countries were skeptical from the outset about the death toll given by Russia, which ranks third in terms of infection. Coincidentally, Moscow has re-announced the death toll in April today. What was 636 before, it has doubled to 15617!
In India, as usual, many rules have been relaxed in the 5th point lockdown.
Countries like Japan and South Korea are seeing red clouds again as soon as the second wave of corona is ignited. The school was reopened in Sole last Wednesday as the infection was a bit low. The administration closed more than 500 schools in the suburbs today.

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