Mysterious,Of Social media , Blue moon on the Sky

 Blue Moon 🌒 🌒 🌒 on the Sky Today Unimaginable new mysterious form

Mysterious Blue moon on the Sky--- Symbolic image

Hyderabad: The unknown mystery of social media.  On Saturday, many netizens expected a lot of discussion about the 'blue moon', however, whether the moon will be blue, it is normal for its pearly gray color that will appear in the morning.

  Director of the Planetary Society of India N.  According to Raghunandan, accurate information is not available as to whether the moon will appear blue or larger.

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  He did not deny seeing the blue moon.  Scientifically speaking, the moon appears blue in color if the right amount of contaminants or pollutants are present in the air.  When it comes in contact with light it is reflected and appears blue, he said.

He did not deny seeing the blue moon.  Scientifically

  Saturday may or may not be.

  According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this has happened many times in the past when people in most parts of the world saw the moon in blue.  Each time, however, it was associated with a volcanic eruption that accumulated dust in the sky and these ash particles from the volcano reflected red light, emitting blue light from the spectrum to the earth.  As a result, a blue moon can be seen.

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 NASA says that in 1883 (Krakatoa erupted in Indonesia), 1983 (El Chichen erupted in Mexico) and in 1980 MT St. Helens (USA) and Met Pinatubo volcanic eruptions caused people to see the moon in this color, (Philippines) in 1991.

   According to Raghunandan, the term ‘blue moon’ became popular due to Western folklore from which the phrase ‘once upon a blue moon’ was established.  This is the rarest event of the second full moon in a month like 31st October.

  According to him, this is a rare opportunity to see the full moon twice in the calendar month.

  “There is no special pujo or anything like that conducted for the blue moon.  For us it is just another full moon (full moon).  There is a lot of belief about this moon in western culture, ”said Dr CS Rangarajan, the chief priest of the Chilkur Balaji Temple.

Blue Moon

  Blue Moon The blue moon can be seen on today's moon

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