Breking : Facebook remove page of Austrelian Celibrety ,for Spreding misinfomation Related Covid-19

 Facebook remove  pages of Australian celebrities related to the COVID-19 conspiracy

Facebook removes Austrelian Celibrety Page for Spreding Fake news about Covid-19
Facebook removes Austrelian Celibrety Page for Spreding Fake news about Covid-19

SYDNEY  - Facebook Inc announced on Thursday that the page had been removed from Australian celebrity chef Pete Evans, a conspiracy theorist who spread misinformation about COVID-19, the technology giant's latest move to monitor fake content for the pandemic.

Evans, a former judge of an Australian food show with a large cookbook catalog, has become one of the most notorious distributors of groundless accusations questioning COVID-19, calling it a "hoax" and "BS" by millions of Facebook followers. . .

He also urged people not to be tested for the virus, which has killed more than 1.7 million people, or get vaccinated, actions experts say are key to ending the pandemic. She announced on her Instagram page on November 20 that she would be leaving Facebook, but posted until Thursday when her page disappeared.

"We do not allow anyone to share misinformation about COVID-19 which could result in direct physical harm or (to) the COVID-19 vaccine that has been disclosed by public health experts," said a Facebook statement.

"We have clear rules for this type of content and have removed boss Pete Evans' Facebook page for repeated violations of these rules."

Facebook didn't say why they maintained Evans's Instagram page, which it owns. There, Evans told his 278,000 followers on Thursday that he was "very happy to be one of the catalysts for conversation on important issues (such as) free speech".

In an earlier post on Instagram that was still online, he described the vaccine as "scam" and "poison" and appeared to be blocking coronavirus testing by saying "no testing ... no cases".

Facebook, under pressure to limit misinformation on its platform, announced earlier this month that it would begin to remove denial of the coronavirus vaccine allegations from Facebook and Instagram. The advocacy group said the platform hosted about 3.8 billion views of misleading health content throughout the year to August - evidence of the amount of legitimate information.

This week, the Israeli government said Facebook downloaded four on-demand groups distributing text, photos and videos with "intentionally indecent content to mislead about the coronavirus vaccine".

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